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Statement on Amazon's Lobbying Spending in 2023

January 23, 2024 | Press Releases

Last year, Amazon was one of the single largest corporate lobbying spenders in the United States, spending a whopping $17.8 million to skirt accountability and bend the rules in its favor. Together, big tech spent over $59 million to cloud the facts and dissuade our public agencies and electeds from serving the public interest.

In its lobbying efforts, big tech’s intent is clear: wealthy corporations don’t want public oversight or accountability, and want to continue to operate above the law. From advocating against investigations and lawsuits from the Federal Trade Commission, Department of Justice, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, to fighting legislation that could undermine their monopolistic business practices, Amazon leads the pack.

Amazon’s lobbying spending last year was down slightly from all time highs in 2021 and 2022 when the corporation was battling to stop Congress from updating antitrust laws to the modern era. While Amazon will ultimately fail in these efforts, the company managed to stall important efforts to improve the economy for small businesses and working people.

Democracy must work for working people–not wealthy corporations like Amazon. Continued corporate interference in our democracy is a threat to its basic principles. Amazon’s investments in lobbying are a direct assault on our ability to have a voice in the economy and our democracy at large.”

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